Monday, January 13, 2020

Databricks Failure Alert Automation Using Powershell


I got multiple databricks work space and received many complaints from end user on availability. Also as a admin, i was not aware or notified any availability issue in advance.


To overcome this communication gap, i have written a powershell script to check databricks work space for every 5 minutes and notify me when service is not reachable or accessible.

Powershell Script:

#Install-Module -Name DatabricksPS
$Out = 0

$accessToken = "Admin Access Token "
$apiUrl = ""
Set-DatabricksEnvironment -AccessToken $accessToken -ApiRootUrl $apiUrl -ErrorAction Stop

Get-DatabricksJobRun -JobID 17410 | Get-DatabricksJobRunOutput -ErrorAction Stop

Write-Output "Something threw an exception"
$emailSmtpServer = ""
$emailFrom = “"
$recipients = ""
$emailSubject = "Alert! List of DataBricks Environment Unavailable"
$message = " Kindly check this environment availability - $apiUrl  - Here is the message $_.Exception.Message"

[string[]]$emailTo = $recipients.Split(',')

Send-MailMessage -To $emailTo -From $emailFrom -Subject $emailSubject -Body $message -SmtpServer $emailSmtpServer


Call Data bricks Job Using REST API

Below power shell will help to call Data bricks Job with parameter  [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]...